Monday, October 8, 2012

Flip a Tire and Push a Car, Say what?

Just because the Box is closed does not mean you can't WOD...

Great work to everyone who came out this morning. The Wod did not disappoint and Everyone did A great job.. Those tires "appeared" at the box and well, we put them to good use. 

Push a car down the parking lot and back
100m Heavy tire flips
sprint to the pull up bars
40x K2E
sprint back to the where the kettle bells are 
40x Kettlebell swings
1:1 rest ratio

Yeah these Badasses pushed a car.! 

Great Work Centurions. Looking forward to doing more Outside Wods and well 

I think Saturday classes might just get more interesting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is one of the craziest things ive seen. Who pushes a car for fun? I like it though. It must be a crossfit thing!!! I love this sport!!