Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

"Death by Thrusters"

1 Thruster every minute on the minute until failure (95/65)

You will load a bar to your Thruster weight after a good warm up. On the minute, you will perform one thruster, adding another rep each minute. So, you will do 1 Thruster, put the bar down and wait for the rest of the minute. Then on the next minute, you will do 2 thrusters and rest until the next minute. Then 3 Thrusters and rest until the next minute, and so on. You will go until you cannot do your allotted reps in the minute. You final score will be the total reps completed.

Yes, you might actually die...but one of your new year's resolutions should be to do something daily that scares you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah like doing 100 of the damn things broken up with some burpees...