Thursday, September 20, 2012

Friday 21 September

400m run
Spiderman to squat
Shoulder mobility w/band
Hhamstring mobility w/band
10x Press w/bar
10x Floor Wipers w/bar
10x lunges

Teams of 2
For Time:
"Bar Work"
75 x Hang Power Snatches
400m Run w/bar
75 x Push Presses
400m run w/bar
75 x Lunges w/ bar
400m run w/bar
75 x Floor Wipers
400m run w/bar


A two person team completes the following. Only one person works at a time. Once the WOD begins the Bar may not touch the ground, if the bar does the team must do 10 x Burpees.

Post teams and time to comments

1 comment:

Greg M said...

Team Andy and Greg25:01 as Rx'd