Thursday, August 27, 2009

Friday's WOD

For time:

50 box jumps
5 rope climbs
50 kb swings (m – 1.5 pood / w – 1 pood)
50 burpees
50 db hang power cleans (m – 40# / w – 30#)
50 KTE
800m run

The 800m run must come last but the rest do not have to be done in order. This will prevent too much of a backlog.

Don't forget that Coach will be by the box sometime after 1300. Stick around and tell him what you think of Crossfit and your box.

If you are coming to the O-Club to help set the equipment up, Dave will be there about 0900. Bring some old towels as the bars will be coated in cosmoline (grease) and will have be wiped down.


Leslie said...

Yay! not this is something I can think about so I don't fall asleep at work. I am getting off night shift at 645am and I have an apt at 900am so I will try to swing by to help with the set up. I hope I will be alble to..if not I have crashed in bed and I will see you guys in the afternoon at the WOD. Know what I'm sayin

but I am there on saturday!!!!

Jenn Kruse said...

Is there a name for this one? It looks like it should have a really nasty name or a woman's name. I believe "Jennifer" is still available! Ha ha ha

Leslie said...

that would be a good name Jenn!
Don, since Fort hood is making histroy today, this WOD should be our box WOD. out nasty one. yeah?

P.S. could the person that voted no for the BBG reveal yourself?

Kirkland said...

As far as a name goes this is a modified version of the filthy fifty: