Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fridays WOD

Were in a Basketball gym so lets have some fun

AMRAP in 20 min
1 Suicide
8 Dumbell Thrusters

I will have the areas marked for the suicide and for the thrusters pick your own weight. You want it to be heavy and push you but remember your body will respond diffrent with dumbells than it does with bars

Please be on time or early becuase the trainers have a meeting at 1 pm and have to be there so we will be finishing up at 1245 to make it on time


Jenn Kruse said...

I hope these markings on the floor will be there afterwards. I'm still doing the WOD once the man gets home.....

Leslie said...

what are the RX weight for the thrusters??

centurion_crossfit forthood said...

Up to you - remember, DB thrusters are far more challenging than BB thrusters

Leslie said...

Now who in the world don't want a BBQ at the gym after FGB???

Jenn Kruse said...

What? Someone marked NO??? Crazy loone!