Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rhymes with Fry-Ann............

How does everyone feel after all of those Tuck jumps? yeah bet now Double Unders are on your GOAT list.... So since I am not as EVIL as everyone says.. lets see if you used your skill work for good practice... 

rx: 225/155 
b: 195/125 
**hspu as RX are to be done with no ab mat, you can SCALE to a ab mat, or a pike push up with the box.
**we will have the white board set up for heats. hope to get about 10-12 athletes in one heat, so sign up when you arrive to the box. Look at your journals to compare your times!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

9:56 time sub GHDs for handstand push ups weight 125lbs last round of nine 7 reps at 115lbs