Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Warm up:
5-8 minutes of foam rolling and mobility work
10 spiderman and reach, each side
:40 Samson stretch, each side
:40 pigeon pose on box, each side
10 cow/cat
10 internal/external rotation from elbow with a 5# or 2.5# plate
:40 groin stretch
:40 seated hamstring stretch

With empty barbell do
10 good mornings
10 front back squats
10 behind the neck push press
10 overhead squats
10 elbow rotations
10 front squats
10 stiff-legged deadlift

10:00 alternating EMOM
even: 8 GHD sit-ups
odd: 1 alternating Turkish get-ups (1 each arm) (53/35)

3 rounds for time
10 barbell overhead walking lunges (95/65)
10 kettle bell swings (53/35)
10 toe-to-bar
10 jumping air squats

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