Sunday, March 31, 2013

CrossFit Total

1 APRIL 2013

*CrossFit Total
Combined Total Weight of the following 3 exercises:
Shoulder Press or Press
*Partner up for each exercise with someone on equal ability and gender.  Athlete will have three attempts to determine their 1 rep max for each of the three exercises.  Warmup does not count.  Full depth and range of motion required for the rep to count.  No more than 2-3 minutes per attempt. 
Rest 5-10 minutes
10 minute AMRAP
5 Deadlifts (225/135) (185/105) (135/95) 
Box Jumps (24/20) (20/18) (18/12) (sub-step ups to scale)
Skill Work
WOD Exercises

Run 400 meters or Row 500
Samson Stretch (10 seconds each leg)
10 Air Squats
10 Push Press  (PVC Pipe - then load a light bar and do 5-10 reps)
10 Backsquat (PVC Pipe - then load a light bar and do 5-10 reps)
10 Deadlift (PVC Pipe - then load a light bar and do 5-10 reps)

1 comment:

April said...

12 rounds + 4 dead lifts as RX