Sunday, March 24, 2013

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3

Monday, 25 March 2013

Based on class size, half class will begin on Strength WOD while the other half begins the AMRAP, then the classes will switch between WODs.  Chain hung rings are designated for MU practice.  Please do not adjust the height of the three MU designated rings.  If you choose to use these for ring dips please grab a box to elevate your body to the height of the rings.

Strength WOD
Push Press
Begin at 50% of your 1 rep max and add weight between each set to determine your 3 rep max for the push press.  Rest 2 minutes between sets

Rest 5-10 minutes


15 min AMRAP

16 Ab-Mat Sit-ups
12 Toes to Bar
8 Ring Dips

400 m run / 500 m row
10 Air Squats
10 Overhead squats
10 PVC pipe push press
10 Frankenstein walks
5 Baby Elephants
Samson Stretch
Roll out using PVC or foam roller
Mobility stretch with bands

Skill - Ring Dips, Toes to Bar, Press


Unknown said...

75lbs 3 rep max push press
METCON 6 rounds plus 12 t2b and 5 ring dips

Roger M. said...

175 PP, 6 rds + 6 KTE

Greg M said...

175 PP, 6 rounds +'16 Abmats as Rx'd