Monday, October 24, 2011

Hope everyone liked mondays wod
I'm glad more of u came and tried becuase it wasn't posted
Remember we only get better when we push our selves and try what we're not sure we can do. Always work on ur weakness more than ur strengths

So tomorrow
10,000/6,000 lbs overhead
100 reps with a 100 lbs bar (men) or 60 lbs bar (women)
Again this is for time but every time u set the bar down/rest (u cannot just hold the bar off the ground to rest, u stop pushing u start pulling) u owe 5 pull ups
Scoring is time and # of pull ups completed
For example
I did this today in 645 with 30 pull ups. Man my shoulders were still smoked from this weekend


PD Walsh said...

Sorry, I'm slow... Is this overhead squats?

Dave Taylor said...

Ok the movement is chest to overhead