Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Coconut Water

No Gatorade?....What About Electrolytes?

With the summer heat upon us, the sweat factor at CFNE is through the roof.
When you sweat your body looses electrolytes which are responsible for hydration
regulation, blood pH levels, and nerve and muscle function. Without sufficient
levels of key electrolytes you may experience cramping, fatigue, muscle weakness,
slow reflexes, acne, dry skin, and an irregular heartbeat. However, these negative
results are completely avoidable if do something about them.

But if we know that Gatorade and other sports drinks are loaded with crap,
where does that leave us?

Did you know that Coconut Water is 100% natural and has five essential electrolytes
(calcium, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium and sodium). It also has about 15 times
the amount of potassium as most sports drinks, without the artificial chemicals and
there are NO added sugars, no fat, no cholesterol, and no preservatives.

Besides being a great replacement for sports drinks, there are a host of other
Benefits of Coconut Water (from wikipedia)...
"Coconut water is a potent detoxifying agent against some types of poisons.
Coconut water hydrates the body, and is used in natural oral re-hydration therapy.
Coconut water is an antibacterial, which aids in flushing the liver, and also helps
in controlling vomiting. Regularly drinking coconut water helps in boosting the
metabolism, reducing stress, nervous and emotional imbalances. Coconut water is also
used as an intravenous hydration fluid in some developing countries where medical
saline is unavailable."


Leslie said...

Great post! Its an everyday dink here in Hawaii..right from the coconut and all!

Jenn Kruse said...

Miss you Les!

Unknown said...

Greater > Than is a new sports drink powered by coconut water. Check it out at

It takes the goodness of coconut water combined with sports science to make a healthy & very effective hydration drink.