Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wednesday's WOD

“Every Rep Counts” (from Western Canadian Qualifier)

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

10 Wallballs (m - 20# / w - 14#)
10 Box Jumps (20")
10 Deadlift (m - 205 / w - 145#)
10 Burpees

Great job today on the push jerks - you guys really got the feel for fully opening your hips and could see the results in putting the weight overhead!

Please register and send out emails to friends, family, coworkers and lets raise some money for those affected by the shooting. We are going to have a huge blowout at the box - Cedar Park CrossFit, CrossFit CenTex and Lumberjack CorssFit are all coming to the box for the WOD. Come out and join us as we raise money and do a hero WOD for our fallen CrossFit brothers.

There will be no classes Thursday or Friday as we observe the Thanksgiving Holiday. Enjoy your time with your family and we will see you Monday to work off all that turkey!!


Leslie said...

Awesome WOD guys!!!! It was fun :)
DON you are a good mentor....so are all the trainers...Dave and Andy...


Readysetm said...

Won't be there at the WOD today but will be doing some incline running at Abrams and then playing in the pool with my girl. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and can't wait for the Hero WOD on 5th December!

centurion_crossfit forthood said...

Thanks Leslie, you are an awesome athlete!