Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I got to pick the WOD

Well this is the first WOD ive got to pick in a while so I decided to make it a good one

Running Cindy

3rds of
Run 600m
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

For Time

We will meet at the gym and then go to the pull up bars by 7-10 Cav


Leslie said...

crap Dave, my scars will open for sure. well, looks fun! lol

Don did you get my email with the pictures? I am bad with web homework.let me know.

p.s- so funny, I got a citation for not mowing the lawn. that is some funny shit.

See you all tomorrow

Julio said...

Don, I should be there tomorrow and Friday as well. Trying to convince Ken to join us...

Jenn Kruse said...

I'll be there!

Leslie, a citation???? Nice!

centurion_crossfit forthood said...

Good one Dave - running Cindy sucks - in a good way!

Leslie, for time, mow your yard, 3, 2, 1, GO! Yes, I got your emails and will grab the pics, thanks!

Dave, remind me to get some shirts from you for the deployed guys.

JP said...

Dave, I assume we do the 600 meters in between the five sets which is why there are only three, is that right?
I might sneak away tomorrow after all to get in this workout... hope to see you there.

Jenn Kruse said...

Yeah Dave, bring the shirts!!!

Leslie said...

yes..Dave prob need to get a shirt for exchange in Tampa workout.

Brandon Newton said...

Lilla and I will be there and possibly a few from my unit

centurion_crossfit forthood said...

Leslie, want a shirt in exchange for the CFLV shirt?

Also, I'll bring some tape and we'll tape your hands to help prevent too much more damage.

Roger Brandon. We are limited on pull-up bars. We could relocate down the street some to the field that has a ton. I'll have my GPS, if we need to map a new route.

Mel and I are currently sitting on the porch drinking wine!

briteyez1996 said...

I'm going to try and make it there. I have RFI draw this morning and a meeting I have at 1:00, gotta be there. I would really like to do this one.

Readysetm said...

I'm going to skip today, I have this stupid cold that I probably picked up from my daughter's disease shack of a school. I'm totally planning on being there on Friday though. Have fun with the workout!

Leslie said...

ok, DON, will exchange a shirt with you, Large please. Thanks you.

Maria, get better!!!!