Thursday, April 2, 2009

Friday's WOD

"Death by Push-ups"

AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 20 minutes of:\

max push-ups

400 meter run

Here is how this works - you begin doing push-ups, once you can no longer do them, you hop up and run 400, as soon as you get back, you do push-ups, as soon as you can no longer do them, you run 400, as soon as you get back, you do push-ups - see the pattern? You cannot rest doing at any point during the push-ups and as soon as you break form, you run.


Jenn Kruse said...

Can't make it today, my son gets out of school early today....See y'all Monday!

Have fun!

briteyez1996 said...

I was on my way but my daughter had to be picked up. She's not feeling too good. I'll be back on Monday.

Readysetm said...

I was on my way to Sprockets to get my oil changed and on the way I saw unit being led by another Crossfit group! I went up and introduced myself and it turns out the owner of Crossfit A&M from College Station are being brougt in from time to time to train 20th Eng (I think 4ID?) I told Jonathan (one of the owners) that there's a military affiliate at Harvey gym, he said he's going to check it out. Apparently they didn't even know there was a military Crossfit affiliate on post.

Jenn Kruse said...

I ordered a band to help with pull ups today.

Julio said...

Great workout today! I got smoked like I haven't in a while...

centurion_crossfit forthood said...

I have some bands to help you guys with pull-ups and ring dips too.

That is good as our pull-up system shipped today and should be in next week!