Sunday, June 28, 2009

Monday's WOD

3 rounds for time of:

Row 500

Run 400

100 double unders

Bring your ropes if you have them. This is a good WOD that I did about a month back. We'll split people into groups and have a third start on the rowers, a third start on the run and a third start on the double unders. If you can't do double unders, substitute 400 single jumps for the 100 double unders.


Jenn Kruse said...

Holy cardio batman!!!!!

Readysetm said...

Seriously with the cardio! I'm almost sad that I'll be missing it for the homecoming tomorrow. But like I said, almost sad :)

RP said...

awful.... absolutely awful!

Jenn Kruse said...

Did it today, 31:56. If I would just master those flippin double unders!!!! ARG!