Monday, January 25, 2010

Tuesday's WOD - Strength Training! Compare to 23 Oct 09

"The Bear"

7 Sets of the Sequence:
Power Clean

Front Squat

Push Press

Back Squat

Push Press

5 Rounds - rest between rounds as needed, increase weight each round

The Rules:

  • you CANNOT set the bar on the ground at any point during your 7 set sequence - even to regrip it!

  • break up or combine the movements in any way so long as the following are met:

  • the clean starts at the ground and finishes standing at full hip extension

  • the squats must go below parallel and the presses finish locked out overhead

  • jerking is acceptable, as are squat cleans and deadlifting then hang cleaning

  • the squats and push presses can be distinct or combined into thrusters

  • you cannot receive the clean in a squat and go directly into a thruster, you must stand first

  • there is no time component, rest anywhere but on the ground

1 comment:

Readysetm said...

That totally SUCKED! It didn't seem like it should hurt that much but I failed on the 5th round during my 3rd set, I was about to smash the bar on my head after the push press and then down to the back squat :(