Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Wednesday's WOD
Run 800
100 burpees
100 tire flips
100 squats
100 double unders
Run 800
5 Rounds for time of:
Run 400
10 front squats (men: 135# / women: 95#)
Monday's WOD Results
Name / Weight = Time
Matt / 225 = 20:24
Alicia / 65 = 16:53
Maria / 65 = 18:56
Kenneth / 155 = 16:16
Jennifer / 135 = 16:44
Leslie / 155 = 22:30
William / 95 = 26:32
Julio / 115 = 14:25
Mike / 155 = 13:27
Joe / 145 = 16:19
Reagan / 135 = 18:54
Joel / 225 = 14:49
Don / 225 = 14:18
Have a great workout tomorrow.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Great Job!
Joel has the results and should post them tomorrow; he's flying tonight. Wednesday's WOD will require about the same number of Olympic bars and we'll have some instruction on form prior to the WOD.
Try to join Beyond the White Board - the link is over on the right hand side of the page. You can enter your WOD data there and it graphs everything for you. You can also enter your weight and BF composition, if so inclined. Just request to join Centurion CrossFit and I'll click your approval.
Also, you should be maintaining your own log. That way you can track your WODs and know what your previous weight was and whether to go up next time or not. I checked into getting some logs printed for us but they would not do less than 50 and at $10 a pop, that was a little cost prohibitive for me. If you are interested in a log, let me know. They would only be $10 as we would sell them for cost and if there is enough interest, I might be able to cover the remainder of the required 50 logs or maybe I could convince them to do a run of less than 50.
Big props to Leslie and Matt for doing the WOD as rx'd!! I have another killer deadlift WOD up my sleeve but we'll give it a couple of weeks. I promise you will enjoy Wednesday's WOD just as much as today's!
Saturday, March 28, 2009

*******Look below this post for Monday's WOD*******
Although this study is totally worthless from a causality perspective because it is an observational study, it does serve to confirm the biases of those non-critical thinkers who have already bought into the idea that meat is bad. To give you an example of such a soft thinker, here is the second comment on the blog post about this study in the New York Times.
I could have told you that 30 years ago. I been a vegetarian for 47 years and I have never seen vegetarians die from heart disease or cancer. They died from basic infectious diseases and malnutrition. Make no mistake it is harder to be a vegetarian than a carnivour but your body does not expel everying [sic] that is in the meat especially red meat.
Red meat is the major culprin [sic] in colon cancer. I actually know people who have colon cancer gene that only eat a no red meat diet and have no issues with their colon. Of course they also do not smoke or drink too much alcohol.
Red meat lobby is very powerful in America - Let them pay for this!
Ah, yes, an enlightened cogitator indeed.
The study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine (free full text here) is a typical epidemiological or observational study. The reports have it tarted up with a lot of fancy clothes, but it is really nothing but an observational study. And, as we’ve gone over ad nauseum in these pages, observational studies can’t be used to prove causation.
Even if they could, this study would be questionable at best because the relative risk (RR) is slightly over 1.0. Because of the nature of the difficulty in doing these kinds of studies with any kind of accuracy it takes a RR of over at least 2.0 to get the serious attention of anyone who doesn’t have a built-in bias.
What I found more interesting than this study (which isn’t interesting or important at all) was the press coverage of it. And I found especially interesting that which the press didn’t report.
Scientific journals have a couple of ways of getting their articles out there ahead of publication, so that the press can do stories on them. If it works out right, the reports all hit the media on the same day that the article itself is published. Doctors who read the journal often find out in their morning newspaper about a new paper before they even get their journal in the mail later that same day. Many of the larger journals, Archives of Internal Medicine, for example, will issue press releases the week before on those papers coming out that the editors feel are important. These press releases go to anyone with press credentials (I even get them), and are embargoed until the date of publication of the journal. Reporters get advanced copies of the papers and get the editor’s (and maybe even the author’s) take on the paper. Journalists can then write their stories to be timed with publication of the paper.
Another way followed by a number of journals is to publish papers online in advance of their actual publication date. Reporters troll these advanced online articles looking for material for stories and often write them up for publication before the paper in question makes it into actual publication in the journal.
At the same time that this paper appeared, showing increased red meat consumption to be tied to a slight increased risk of death (and showing that those subjects eating white meat had less risk), a couple of other papers came out in the online pre-publication section of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN), arguably the world’s most prestigious nutritional scientific journal. These two AJCN papers saw the light of day at around the same time as this highly-publicized study on meat and mortality, but demonstrated the opposite results. They got no press coverage whatsoever. Which proves what I’ve been saying all along: the press is biased against meat in general, and especially against red meat. Knowing this, careful readers should take anything negative thing the media reports about red meat with an enormous grain of salt.
Let’s look at the other two studies published in AJCN.
The first is titled Meta-analysis of animal fat or animal protein intake and colorectal cancer. One of the constant themes anti meat people like to hammer out is that meat intake, especially red meat intake, causes colon or colorectal cancer. This is heard so often that most people take it for granted, assuming that there must be a ton of research backing it up. As this paper points out, there isn’t.
The association between total dietary fat, including fat constituents such as saturated fat, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, and cholesterol, and risk of colorectal cancer has been evaluated in numerous epidemiologic [observational] studies. Results from these analytic investigations have generally been mixed. Whereas some studies have reported positive associations, several studies have observed null and inverse associations. In a pooled analysis of data from 13 case-controlled studies, risk of colorectal cancer was found to increase significantly with increasing categories of total daily energy intake. In the same analysis, and after adjustment for total energy intake, the authors observed no evidence of an energy-independent effect of total dietary fat or specific fat components other than cholesterol. In fact, many of the associations among men and women were in the inverse direction [i.e., more animal fat equals greater longevity].
Animal foods and meat products contain both saturated and unsaturated fats; however, similar to analyses of total fat intake, several studies have not observed any consistent epidemiologic evidence of an association between saturated fat or polyunsaturated fat intake and risk of colorectal cancer. Although some studies reported positive associations for consumption of saturated fat, nonsignificant associations at or near the null value [no association] or inverse associations have been observed in numerous cohort studies and case-control studies.
This paper goes on to discuss how the hypothesis that fat and meat intake are a bad thing healthwise got kicked off way back in the 1960s from a presentation at a symposium. In shades of Ancel Keys and his discredited Seven Countries Study, a researcher named Ernst Wynder used the international food and cancer mortality data to demonstrate an increase in colorectal cancer as a correlate of increasing oil and fat consumption. The hypothesis, although never proven, has been with us since. The authors of this paper set out to study it once again.
Here is what they did:
To clarify the potential association between animal fat intake and colorectal cancer, we conducted a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies in which data for animal fat were available. In addition, we identified case-control studies that reported results for animal fat intake and combined data from these studies with the prospective cohort data in separate analyses. Because the primary macronutrients in the consumption of animals include protein and fat, we also conducted a separate meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies in which data categorized as animal protein or meat were available.
After sifting through all this data, what did the authors find? Absolutely nothing. No correlation between meat and/or fat intake and colorectal cancer.
In this meta-analysis, no consistent evidence of a positive association between consumption of animal fat and colorectal cancer was observed. Specifically, we found no association between the highest animal fat intake category and colorectal cancer. Furthermore, none of the subgroup analysis (i.e., sex, anatomic tumor site, and study design) indicated positive patterns of associations.
And their conclusion:
On the basis of the results of this quantitative assessment, the available epidemiologic evidence does not appear to support an independent association between animal fat intake or animal protein intake and colorectal cancer.
Like the study above showing the slight correlation between red meat intake and decreased longevity, this study is an observational study, and, as such, doesn’t demonstrate any kind of definitive proof. But what I find galling is that the meat and mortality study hit all the airwaves and this study - made available to the media at the same time - received zero press.
Yet another study in the advanced online section of AJCN titled Mortality in British vegetarians: results from the European Prospective Investigation in Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC-Oxford) shows that things ain’t always as they seem. Yet the press refuses to pick up and report this man-bites-dog story.
If you ask the man on the street (who has been fed a load of bunkum over the years by the press) if vegetarians or non-vegetarians are healthier and live longer, you will almost assuredly be told that vegetarians are the healthiest. Most people believe this, but they just don’t want to make the sacrifice to follow the vegetarian lifestyle. They are willing to give up a couple of years of life to not have to live on a steady diet of beans, tofu, vegetables, fruits and dry bread. You would think that if a study came out from a prestigious institution (Oxford) published in a top-line scientific journal showing that vegetarians don’t live any longer than non-vegetarians and actually have a higher incidence of some particularly nasty cancers (but slightly lower rates of death from heart disease) it would be newsworthy. But the press has totally ignored this study just like they did the last one.
This vegetarian study was interesting on a couple of levels. Not only did it not show a difference in longevity between vegetarians and nonvegetarians, it showed major increases in longevity just from being in the study. Not long ago I wrote a post about a statin study in which I discussed the adherer verses the non-adherer effect. A number of studies have shown that subjects who take all their medicines as directed - even the placebos - live longer and/or do better than those who takes their medications irregularly. There is something about people who go the extra mile that makes them live longer than those who don’t.
In this Oxford University vegetarian study, vegetarian subjects were recruited by all sorts of methods. Those in the study cast out their nets for other vegetarians and recruitment was done through all kinds of advertising venues. Those accepted into the study -both vegetarians and non vegetarians - had to jump through a fair number of hoops to get accepted and stay in the study. And to stay in the study for the ten plus years that it went on. After the study period, the numbers of deaths in the two groups was tallied, and it was found that vegetarians didn’t live any longer than non-vegetarians. As a percentage, the number of deaths in each group was the same.
What’s more interesting to me, however, is the difference between the rate of deaths in both the vegetarian and non-vegetarian subjects as compared to their neighbors who weren’t in the study. The researchers calculated the standard mortality ratios (SMRs) for vegetarians and non-vegetarians from deaths before the age of 90 years old as compared to the mortality rate for non-study subjects living in the same area.
The SMR is the ratio of the observed number of deaths to the number of deaths expected from the national rates, standardized for sex and age, and expressed as a percentage.
In other words, if the observed number of deaths in the study group had been three quarters of that expected in a similar population from the area, the SMR would have been 75 percent. And would have been a striking finding to boot. It would have meant that just being in the study reduced one’s risk of death.
When all the data was tallied, the SMR for all causes of death among study subjects was only 52 percent, and was identical in vegetarians and nonvegetarians! It didn’t matter if you were a vegetarian or a nonvegetarian, as long as you were in this study you were about half as likely to die as your neighbor who wasn’t in the study. Now that’s an adherer effect in spades. And I would think pretty newsworthy. But, like the study above on meat and colorectal cancer, it was completely ignored by the press.
The point of this post is that you shouldn’t get wound up about a study that gets reported throughout the media because there are more than likely other studies that are just as well done and just as important showing exactly the opposite findings that the press chooses to ignore. You’re not seeing the science as it is, you’re seeing the science as the press wants you to see it, which, typically, is the way that confirms the bias of members of the press.
As a journalist friend of ours once remarked: what is news? News is whatever the reporter decides it is. In my opinion, they decided wrongly in this case.
Monday's WOD
For time:
Deadlift, 21 reps (men 225# / women 155#)
Run 800 meters
Deadlift, 15 reps
Run 800 meters
Deadlift, 9 reps
Run 800 meters
Deadlift demo: http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_DeadliftIntro.wmv
OK, I will be on a tight timeline Monday but Joel should be there too. We will cover some instruction on the deadlift and I will need everyone's assistance in getting set up and tearing down after the WOD.
Have a good weekend and I'll see you Monday!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Friday's WOD
4 rounds:
400 meters
50 squats
If you are new with us, scale it to 200 meters and 25 squats or just do two rounds.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The McGovern Report
In the video we see Dr. Robert Olson make a plea for more data before sweeping recommendations are made to the American public and beyond. We also see Sen. George Mcgovern make the point that “…we need to do SOMETHING” about heart disease. We picked the wrong path and billions of dollars and millions of lives have subsequently been squandered.
Fast forward to today, we still have the hand-wringing Malthusiast’s who are convinced we are all on a collision course with disaster unless we bocome low-fat vegetarians and export this lifestyle to everyone else on the planet. Much todo is made that a more meat based diet is unsustainable…but then again, modern farming practices rely on non-renewable fossil fuels, and as such plant based diets are apparently unsustainable also! Somehow the study authors find that a lacto-ovo diet is superior to alternative approaches…I’d like to dig through that study and see what they are using for numbers, but it just does not sit well. Interestingly, no one looks at the picture when we are talking grassfeeding and a more paleo type diet.
Perhpas counter intuitively, a meat, fruit and vegetables diet appears to kill FEWER animals than a vegetarian, grain based diet…this throwing the least harm notion on it’s head. Also, small scale grassfed meat production appears to not only be sustainable, but also highly profitable. Most of the energy production of meat is tied up in grain production. Shift to grassfed meat and you remove this expensive and dirty process from the equation while also increasing the health of meat consumers.
Can we feed everyone like this? Will global warming kill us all? The best way to control ALL these problems is some kind of population control and ironically, the best population control is prosperity. Rich nations have fewer children. The counter salvo from the Malthusiasts is that rich nations require a lot of energy…true, but we are only seeing the beginning of green, sustainable energy, and the main driving force here is an open market. India and China are bypassing decades of development the US went through and are comparitively much cleaner than we were. Speaking of sustainability…the US is headed for a serious problem with health/healthcare and the answer being bantied about is state funded healthcare…whcih has been a stunning failure everywhere else it’s been instituted, but we seem bent on this path…because in the words of Sen. Mcgovern “We must do something”.
My main point here is that we need to tackle these issues ONE AT A TIME. When the vegetarians start shifting arguments mid-stream this is BS and it obscures the topic at hand. This is also the classic ploy of someone who is loosing an argument. My secondary point is that the “sustainability” issue is anything but clear and history has shown that markets and innovation trump doomsayers…no matter how badly they want the end-days to be at hand.
"100 Burpees" Results
Reagan - 8:31
Leslie - 9:58
Maria - 13:40
Matt - 7:52
Joel - 9:54
Earnest - 9:52
Andy - 14:07
Wayne - 7:50
William - 19:18
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
100 Burpees
100 Burpees, for time.
Monday, March 23, 2009
"Karen" results
Name/Time/Weight (DB - Dumbells; WB - Wallball)
Jennifer/ 8:07 / WB - 16
Matt / 14:01 / WB - 20
Andy / 15:04 / WB - 20
Maria / 10:51 / DB - 10
Leslie / 11:24 / DB - 20
Reagan / 11:45 / DB - 20
Joel / 8:07 / WB - 10
Megan / 7:50 / DB - 5
Josh / 9:03 / DB - 15, then 5
William / 11:23 / DB - 5
Great work. Eat right, hydrate, and rest!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
For time: 150 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
Fort Benning
Friday, March 20, 2009
Friday's WOD results
I'm not posting weights because I didn't track what you were doing for KB swings and Wall Balls. However, you know what you did so keep track for the next time.
Tina - 23:01
Charlene - 18:58
Leslie - 19:11
Alicia - 20:11
Maria - 23:24
Megan -1 round, great job!
Jennifer - 20:28
Reagan - 19:31
Joel - 19:24 (because of my shoulder, I only did 10# WBs and 35# KB swings, which is why my time was even that fast [but not as fast as some of you "studdetts"]).
A big congratulations to Reagan for doing her first kipping pull-ups today!
Make sure you read the Rhabdo articles! Have a good weekend.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Working on our tan/beach bodies, part II
This is going to be a little longer, but a beauty.
200 meters, 5 Pull-ups
100 meters, 10 Burpees
100 meters, 15 KB swings
100 meters, 20 Squats
100 meters, 25 Wall Balls
100 meters, 30 Sit-ups
200 meters, 30 Sit-ups
100 meters, 25 Wall balls
100 meters, 20 Squats
100 meters, 15 KB swings
100 meters, 10 Burpees
100 meters, 5 Pull-ups
200 meters
Total running distance: 1 mile
Body parts worked: All
On a serious note, I need all of you to read these CrossFit Journal articles (we have had one of them posted all along on the right by the picture of "Pukie"). Here are the links:
Rhabdomyolysis (mostly known as Rhabdo) is a dead serious subject and we'll talk about it before the workout because it hit close to home. I know we try to push each other to our limits to improve, but we must remain vigilant and aware of not only our bodies, but each other so none of us overdue it -- don't fall into the trap thinking that it can't happen to you. More to follow.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Jack Bauer Results
Name / Weight / Time
Matt / 52 / 11:35
Earnest / 50 / 10:59
Reagan / 44 / 11:15
Leslie / 35 / 9:37
Alicia / 35 / 12:34
Trevor / 30 / 13:27
Maria / 26 / 8:16
Megan / 15 / 9:52
I'll post a WOD tomorrow for Friday. Reagan and I will most likely be here and leave after the workout on our mini-vacation (priorities!).
WED's WOD - Jack Bauer
We did this workout (brought to you by Don from CrossFit BWI) on 11 FEB.
Beat your time or weight from the last iteration.
RX'd: Men - 1.5 pood (54 pounds); Women - 1 pood (36 pounds)
21 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP) +
3 Kettlebell Swings (KB)
18 SDHP + 6 KB
15 SDHP + 9 KB
12 SDHP + 12 KB
9 SDHP + 15 KB
6 SDHP + 18 KB
3 SDHP + 21 KB
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Monday's WOD
Lately we're doing some of the same WODs so you can see how you are improving and be encouraged for your hard work.
Monday is supposed to be 79 degrees, so you'll be able to enjoy the weather with one that Don made us do on 9 January:
For time, 400-meters of lunges
Crush your old time!
For the newbies, this doesn't sound like a lot, but stay focused on good form: back knee "kisses" the ground each time; lumbar curve/back straight; don't use your hands to push off your leg; front leg should do most of work; extend out as far as you can; and, push through the pain!
Either someone can jot down everyone's times and post them in the comments or you can each post your times in the comments. I'll try to see if I can find a track in Arizona to do this with you.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday's Results
Here are the results:
Name Time @
Lunge weight/DB swing weight
Pule - 13:10 @ 30/45
Leslie - 12:38 @ 35/35
Valerie - 12:47 @ 25/25
Ken - 13:29 @ 30/30
Maria - 12:29 @ 15/25
Reagan - 12:39 @ 35/35
Alicia - 12:24 @ 20/30
Charlene - 11:43 @ 25/25
Matt - 15:30 @ 50/50 (great work!)
Jennifer - 12:40 @ 20/45
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday's WOD
Dumbbell Walking Lunges, Dumbbell Swings
5 rounds:
50# DB walking lunges - 10 alternating steps
50# DB swings - 15 reps
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Hope everyone is smoked.
Here are the results
50 lbs (Men RXd)
Steve - 4
Bule- 2
Dave - 5 + 2 Thrusters
30 lbs (women RXd)
Matt - 6 + 7 Thrusters
Ken - 4 + 8 Burpees
Leslie - 4 + 4 Thrusters
25 lbs
Tina - 4 + 4 Burpees
Jennifer - 4rds
20 lbs
Valerie - 3 + 3 Burpees
Alica - 5 + 6 Thrusters
Charlene - 5rds
Scott - 4 + 10 Thrusters
Maria - 4 + 8 Burpees
LaCandice - 4 + 3 Burpees
LaCandice I picked up your sweatshirt and put it in with the Tshirts if Joel gets the shirts before i leave he will have it if not ill be back in 3 weeks
Hope you guys have fun for the next 3 weeks. Ill be jumping out of planes while you doing WODs
Change 1
This is one we have done before, so here is the first chance to compare your new times with your old
AMRAP 20 Min
10 Dumbell Thrusters (Men 50lbs/Women 30 lbs)
20 Burpees
Compare to 14 Jan 2009
Last time I completed 4 rds + 8 burpees as Rxd
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Hump Day WOD
I will be there and try and be on time. If i am late start the warm up without me
5 rds
run 400m
SDLHP x 21
Thruster x 21
Men - 75lbs
Women - 50lbs
Tabata Results
As we discussed today -- you don't need an expensive gym membership or any equipment to get a solid butt kicking workout in less than 15 minutes...
Here are the results ya'll gave:
Pule - 6/9/9
Lacandice - 7/9/13
Jennifer - 8/12/12
Joe - 4/7/6
Reagan - 10/9/16
Leslie - 12/10/15
Charlene - 5/16/12
Alicia - 7/9/11
Ken - 5/6/7
Steve - 8/12/16
Tina - 6/10/12
Valerie - 7/9/10
Maria - 4/6/10
Matt -9/7/10
I won't be there Wednesday but Dave said he'll make it before heading off to have "fun" at Benning (where he'll no longer be a Dirty Nasty Leg!).
Monday, March 9, 2009
Monday's WOD
We will perform three exercises (push-ups, sit-ups, and squats) doing Tabata Intervals (i.e. 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times) with a one minute rotation break between exercises.
Each exercise is scored by the weakest number of reps in each of the eight intervals. During the one minute rotation time allowed, the clock is not stopped but kept running. The score is the total of the scores from the three exercises.
Some performance insights and a scoring example from Mark Twight:
- Lying down between exercises lowers HR faster than standing, sitting or walking, indicating better recovery in the short 60 second rest.
- Alternating upright exercise (squat, pull-up) with prone or seated exercises produces lower heart rates, and allows greater overall level of work
- Improvement happens really fast when the workout is done consistently (bimonthly).
- High number of reps may be maintained for greater number of sets as fitness improves. Rep totals do not necessarily improve per set, but now I can do 6 sets of 7 pull-ups rather than doing 11, 8, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, etc. which suggests that local area endurance and lactic acid tolerance improve with this protocol.
Scoring Example: A total score of 37 is determined by adding up the lowest number of reps in any set of each exercise.
6 push-up
13 sit-up
18 squats
This score is a 37.
I'll explain it in more detail before we execute it. I have a briefing I must attend at 1300, so we have to get through the warm-up and work-out without delay.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Fridays WOD
Next week Joel should be back and i will try and make a session but our range is at NFH so i can't make promises
Here is Fridays WOD
Every Min for 30 min
5 push ups
10 sit ups
15 squats
Ok this means that you start a clock, the 1st min you do the set, wait till the clock says 2 and then do it again. so on and so forth until you either fail to complete the required work in a min or you reach 30 min
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Good job everybody!
A cert at Hood would definitely rock! I know a lot of you guys would like to go and it would definitely help deepen our pool of trainers and ensure someone was always available - especially with all the kit coming in and us about to have a proper CrossFit box.
Thanks for all your patience while Dave, Joel and I are tied up. FYI - Dave is working on a hopper competition for later this summer that we intend to host. Once I get back, I'll start working with the garrison command and III Corps to get full support. More to follow but I expect it to be a big event!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Hump Day WOD
Well Here is the WOD it s hero one from the main site
Run 800m
Run 400m backward
Run 800m
Run 400m backward
It will be on the white board sometime today
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Monday WOD
There will be no trainer there Monday.
This doesn't require any equipment so you can meet and do it or just knock it out on your own
AMRAP in 20 Min
10 Step Walking Lunge
20 Push Ups
40 Sit ups
Count your rounds post them on here