Monday, February 16, 2009

Great WOD

Everyone did a great WOD today. I don't know about you but my legs were burning when i was done.

Thanks for the numbers on a off day
Lilla 16.23
Charlene 15.56
Tina 14.37
Leigh 14.33
Matt 14.32
Leslie 13.16
Reagen 13.03
Stacy 13.01
Steve 11.29
Joel 11.13
Don 10.46 - I used a 44# kettlebell and a 35# kettlebell (it's all I had!)
Dave 9.14

1 comment:

XFitDoc said...

Thank you Joel and Dave for another awesome WOD! I think I almost fell down a couple times once I was done. Thank you to the trainers as well for teaching us new things and critiquing so our form can improve when doing the movements. I've learned so much in just two WODs. Killer times everyone!!